ANZAC Day Remembrance

25th April 2008

Wreaths at the Cairn

Unlike other years the morning dawned brilliantly clear. Numbers were up on last year and new-comers spoke of the beautiful ambience of the airfield as participants assembled.

Wing Commander Geoff Lydeamore eloquently spoke on the true meaning of the Anzac Spirit. The WBMA response was provided by Barry Uscinski who reaffirmed the significance of having an RAAF presence at our Airfield on this Day of Remembrance.

It was encouraging to see a growing number of wreaths placed at the Cairn near the flagpole, their colours creating a bright kaleidoscope of remembrance.

As the clear notes of the Last Post sounded across the valley and the colours were lowered, those assembled were moved by the solemnity of the occasion.

After the Ceremony a substantial breakfast was enjoyed by all at Rod and Noelene Mill's airchalet.

At The Hangar Door

30th March 2008

One of the real attractions of a recreational airfield is the diverse, and at times unusual, aircraft that can be found at the open hangar door.  Watts Bridge lives up to that promise.

Above we see two of the more recent arrivals at the airfield. Peter and Julie Freeman's Cessna 182 isn't really that unusual, but hangar mate John Gross's experimantal jet powered JG2 most certainly is.

And below we see that Richard and Glenda Faint are about to 'commit aviation' in their self designed and built single place recreational aircraft. Richard's 'Lil Tinny' is on the left with Glenda's 'Corella' on the right.

Of course these aren't the only special aircraft on the Airfield. Chances are on almost any weekend you can find interesting if not unique aircraft 'At The Hangar Door'

Easy Access to the Aircraft Tie-down & Parking Area

09th March 2008

Members of the Aerobatics Club having a bit of fun with an impromptu ceremony "Officially Opening" the newly installed personnel gates, to provide easy access to the Aircraft Parking and Tie-down Areas.

South East Queensland Gyroplane Club

Monthly Fun Flying and Flight Training

A dedicated group of pilots from The South East Gyroplane Club meet at Watts Bridge every month, come rain hail or shine, for fun flying and expert flying tuition. Because the're such a friendly lot, other pilots and their machines drop in across the weekend so there is always plenty to see and some one to have a chat with.

SO: If your interested in gyro's, check out the Events Calendar to see when their next weekend is going to be and drop on up.

Festival of Flight

25th & 26th August 2007

The Festival of Flight 2007 got off to a rather wet and miserable start, with Saturday being effectively rained out. But what a difference a day makes !!

Sunday arrived bright and sunny and aircraft of all types made a mass entrance, more than making up for the previous day's disappoinment. The Queensland Vintage Aircraft Group are to be congratulated for all the effort that goes into making the Festival of Flight the success that it is.

For those who couldn't make it and anyone else who simply can't get enough of vintage aircraft Click Here for many more photographs taken at the event.

The Queensland Government's Gambling Community Benefit Fund has provided $19,923 to Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield for the purchase of a Hustler Super Z Ride-on Mower.

The mower will make a tremendous contribution in reducing the maintenance hours required for our large airfield.

Community Benefit Fund Queensland Government

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 

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