All-In Fly-In 2014

All pilots and aviation enthusiasts are invited to the Watts Bridge Airfield Open Day, celebrating the rich diversity of all forms of recreational aviation.   Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield, situated in the Brisbane Valley is the home base for a wide range of aircraft including Vintage, Aerobatic and Recreational Aircraft as well as Gyroplanes, War Birds and a variety of Homebuilt Aircraft.

Over 80 Aircraft Attended The
All-In Fly-In 2013”

The All-In Fly-In is an all day event with on-field catering, coffee and AVGAS available. Entry is free with no landing fees.

The event builds upon the success of last year when over 80 aircraft attended the All-In Fly-In 2013 on what was not a great day for flying. Imagine what the turnout would have been on a clear sunny morning!!

The fly-in is organized by the Home Base Groups as a great day out for pilots and aviation devotees and to promote all forms of recreational aviation. So mark the 31st May down in your diary as a not to be missed opportunity for some flying fun!

For more information contact:
Richard Faint 0412-317-754  or Liz Cook 0419- 369-963

The All-In Fly-In 2011 Poster

Private Hangar Sites - Discount Sale

1st May 2014 - 31st October 2014

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is offering Private Hangar Sites at a remarkably discounted price! This special offer is for new site purchases which are completed between the 1st May 2014 and 31st October 2014, so if you have been thinking about investing in the airfield, there will never be a better time.
If you would like to book a site inspection or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Watts Bridge Management.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD the Private Hangar Sites Special Offer

A Concrete Floor for the BVSAC Hangar

The Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club recently completed major improvements to their club hangar with the pouring of a concrete floor. The hangar was one of the first to be constructed in the Private Hangar Precinct and has provided cost effective hangarage for club members for almost 20 years.

Local tradesmen Kevin Werner Builders and Hulby's Concreting were contracted to do the work which they completed in a most professional manner. BVSAC members Peter Freeman and Mike Smith were the primary "shakers and movers" within the club who organized and oversaw the operation.

ANZAC Day Remembrance 2014

In keeping with the history of Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield an ANZAC Day Remembrance Service is held at the airfield to honour and remember all Australian service men and women. Flight Lieutenant Danielle Scilini gave an eloquent and moving speech on behalf of the RAAF.

Following the Bible readings, speeches and prayers floral wreathes were placed on the cairn dedicated to those who have fallen in the line of duty. At the conclusion of the service an F/A-18F Super Hornet based at the RAAF Base Amberley performed an impressive low level pass over the airfield.

More than 50 people attended the ANZAC Day service which is a marked increase over previous years. A traditional Australian Morning Tea was served in the AAC-QC clubrooms to bring the morning to a conclusion.


South East Queensland Astronomical Society

An evening viewing the wonders of the universe.

Bruce Hagaman with his 11 inch Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope on an alt-azimuth fork mount.

Jesse Bailey with an 8 inch Newtonian telescope on a German equatorial mount.

George Brownlie with his 6 inch Maksutov-Cassegrain type telescope on a German equatorial mount.

As pilots I guess we feel we have a bit of a monopoly on the sky. We look up at it, judge it, try to predict it, take to it, fly in it and hopefully not fall out if it. Its big, its blue and its all ours!

Or such was the thinking until the South East Queensland Astronomical Society came to the airfield as guests of Watts Bridge. Approximately 15 members of SEQAS set up their telescopes in the darkest corner of the camping ground, eagerly anticipating an evening of "dark sky" viewing, well away from the light pollution of Brisbane and other built up areas. Unfortunately, as the afternoon wore on high level cloud moved in from the north west threatening to ruin their evening.

Roll forward to 10pm and we are groping around in the dark with only a few subdued red lights to guide us. The clouds had dissipated sufficiently to allow some of the wonders of a "SEQAS Sky" to be viewed in all their beauty. President John Maguire and Vice President Wendy Colvin were only too keen to let us peer into the eyepieces of the telescopes.

Saturn was "up" at this time with its wonderful ring structure on display. With some careful attention it was possible to see the Cassini Division within the rings. Due to the wispy cloud cover Mars wasn't much better than a red blob. However the "Jewel Box" star cluster which is situated within the Southern Cross was the outstanding sight of the evening. Spectacular stuff!!

SEQAS hope to come back to Watts when the weather is cold and clear for another evening of viewing the wonders of the universe. They are more than happy to have anyone who is interested to join in with them. Isn't it great that the airfield can be put to such a diverse range of activities and is available to a variety of different community minded groups??

Click to view the Gatton Star Newspaper Article

Toogoolawah State High School WW1 Student Project

Six students from the Toogoolawah State High School and a team of Watts Bridge members headed by Bruce Clarke have taken the first steps towards building a fully flyable World War 1 Replica.

As Bruce says, "It's hands on, it's flight engineering and it encompasses all engineering to do with engines and aeroplanes". What a great project, it ticks all the boxes!! Community involvement, encouraging young people to find a life long interest in aviation, aircraft engineering and construction, and a remembrance of events that forged the Australian identity and the ANZAC Spirit.

Click here to read the Gatton Star Newspaper Article

Click here to read the Kilcoy Sentinel Newspaper Article

Click to view the Kilcoy Sentinel Newspaper Article

Access Road Upgraded and Sealed !!

For years and years and years we've trudged down Silverleaves Road, waiting for the transition where it turned from bitumen to gravel. Grumble. Then a few weeks ago it was obvious that there was major upgrade work being done. Wouldn't it be great if........ ??    Nah - that'll never happen :(

And the very next weekend, would you believe, heavy machinery right at the Watts Bridge front gate!!
And we now have fully sealed access right up to the Watts Bridge driveway!!

RAAF Amberley

Airspace Briefing 8.2.2014

Pilots operating from Watts Bridge have to contend with some of the most complex airspace in Australia with the Brisbane, Archerfield, Amberley, Oakey, Gold Coast and Maroochydore Controlled Airspaces all requiring careful consideration.

So it should come as no surprise that over 50 pilots of all manner of aircraft and all levels of experience took up the opportunity to attend a safety briefing conducted by two air traffic controllers from the RAAF Base at Amberley. They presented candid, down to earth advice on how to operate in and around controlled airspace.

The morning was rounded out with a quick chat from a representative from Air Services Australia who highlighted how much assistance was available in times of uncertainty or emergency from the airspace controllers.

Events such as the Amberley Briefing and the Early Aviation Seminar are great examples showing that there is so much more to a vibrant airfield than simply flying, pilots and aeroplanes.

QVAG Early Aviation Seminar

26th January 2014

Over the last few years there has certainly been a groundswell of interest in the early days of aviation resulting in the construction of replica aircraft reflecting that bygone era. The Australian Vintage Aviation Society (TAVAS) recently joined forces with the Queensland Vintage Aeroplane Group (QVAG) to present a one day seminar promoting the activities being undertaken by many individual builders.

QVAG President Ross Stenhouse opened the seminar and outlined the day's agenda. TAVAS founder Andrew Carter gave a great presentation outlining the international and Australian projects that are currently underway. Dave Walsh followed with an engineer's perspective into some of the many challenges which must be faced when attempting to bring back to life these enigmatic flying machines. Bruce Clarke gave the final talk of the morning outlining progress on his current project, a full scale Sopwith Camel replica. Bruce encouraged anyone with an interest in building this style of aircraft to get involved with an open offer to help out wherever possible.

After lunch everyone was invited to Bruce & Mary Clarke's hangar where several construction projects were on display. This was a great way to get a feel for what's involved in aircraft construction, to ask questions and generally get to meet like minded enthusiasts. With more than 50 people in attendance the seminar was a great success! Expect to see more early aviation aircraft gracing the skies above Watts Bridge in the years to come.

Photographs courtesy of Ross Stenhouse.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is strongly committed to a "Fly Neighbourly" policy ensuring good working relationships with other land owners in the district.

Pilots are requested to download the Fly Neighbourly Chart to be aware of and avoid where operationally possible, noise and over-fly sensitive locations adjacent to the airfield.

Download the Fly Neighbourly Chart.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 

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