All-in Fly-In 2009

Due to the atrocious weather conditions which are currently being experienced in S.E. Queensland and forecasts predicting more of the same for the next few days, we regretfully announce that the "All-In Fly-In" for 2009 has been cancelled.

For all those who were planning on attending, there's always next year !!

Another Hangar Under Construction

Good to see that Tom &Rebecca Ball are a long way down the track with their hangar which is under construction in the Private Hangar Area.

First Flight!!

Congratulations to Bruce and Mary Clark upon the successful first flight of their Nieuport 12 which first flew on the 29th January.

Annual General Meeting - 2008

23rd November 2008

The Watts Bridge Annual General Meeting is an essential part of the efficient running of the airfield. Annual Reports are delivered and discussed and the Board of Management for the next year is elected. All important stuff.

But let's face it -AGM's can be a pretty dull affair.

So, somewhere along the line it was decided to hold an AGM Party the evening before. Now that's more like it!! All very informal, just meet at the aerobat's clubhouse, bring a plate, bring a drink and have a good time.  And that's the way it went. About 30 people showedup and did just that - ate, drank and made merry !!
But - there's always one isn't there ??

Festival of Flight

29th - 31st August 2008

The Festival of Flight 2008 got off to a remarkable start with the aircraft parking area virtually full by midday Saturday. And there was no let up, with a never ending stream of arrivals and departures. As if that were not enough for the thousands of visitors to the airfield, there were immaculate vintage cars, motor cycles and military vehicles on display as well.

The Queensland Vintage Aircraft Group are to be congratulated for all the effort that goes into making the Festival of Flight the success that it is. Also a big thank you for the local community's support of the event, assisting with everything from catering to car parking.

But the big winners were the aircraft themselves, from the heaviest meanest warbird, the most nimble of aerobatic aircraft to the "flying for fun" recreational aircraft. For those who couldn't make it and anyone else who simply can't get enough of vintage aircraft Click Here for many more photographs taken at the event.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 
Email: info@wattsbridge.com.au

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