Watts for Dinner ??

7th September 2019

Everyone is invited to fly or drive into Watts Bridge airfield for our very first Watts for Dinner?? to be held under the shelter shed on the 7th September, starting at 5:00pm.

On the menu will be some of the finest Wagyu beef, perfectly cooked on the BBQ complete with jacket potatoes and crispy salad!! A vegetarian meal option will also be available so that no one misses out. Of course there will be pre-dinner nibbles and a fine selection of wines and beers will be on offer.

Generous warming fire-pits will encourage everyone to stay on after dinner to enjoy impromptu musical entertainment. Camping either under the wing or in the airfield's camping area is a great option with absolutely no camping fees!!

If you're thinking of coming to Watts for Dinner??, Mark Foy would appreciate a call on 0419-796-521 so that we know just how many of those fine steaks to order!

QFES Airbase

22nd August 2019

It was only a couple of weeks ago that the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service held a training weekend at Watts Bridge. This week, with the onset of hot and windy conditions in South East Queensland that training was put into practice with the establishment of a forward airbase, right here on the field.

A temporary weather station was set up beside the primary windsock and a turbo-prop aircraft flown in each day. The aircraft was then loaded with water to provide a quick response capability in the event of a blaze in the district. At the end of each day, the aircraft departed for homebase, offloading the water onto the runway on the way out. Another, much larger aircraft, equipped for water operations was located on the field.

As previously stated: "Watts Bridge is proud to be associated with the QFES training and operations and stands ready to support the local community, should a natural disaster such as fire or other emergencies ever confront the district."

QFES Training Weekend

3rd - 4th August 2019

For a number of years volunteers and staff from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) have been using Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield as a training ground to improve and test their skills at establishing an airbase.

On the 3rd and 4th August 2019, a number of volunteers from across the South East Region established an airbase at Watts Bridge to reinforce the pre-deployment and operational strategies employed by QFES.

Watts Bridge is proud to be associated with the QFES training and stands ready to support the local community, should a natural disaster such as fire or other emergency ever confront the district.

Red Thunder Tactical Fighter Clinic - 2019

20th - 26th May

Every year the skies above the Brisbane Valley have resonated to the throaty growl of the Red Thunder Tactical Formation Clinic (Red Thunder TFC). The Red Thunder TFC has become Australia’s premier air combat playground, offering Warbird owners the opportunity to experience their aircraft the way they were meant to be flown!

The TFC brings together the experience of former and current Military pilots offering Warbird owners a snapshot of combat type operations. As with all Red Thunder activities the local community of Toogoolawah have been active in many of the social activities which surround each event.

The full story and extensive photo gallery can viewed at Red Thunder Tactical Fighter Clinic - 2019.


Watts for Breakfast??

26th May 2019

The May edition of Watts For Breakfast was timed to compliment the completion of the Red Thunder Tactical Formation Clinic, reasoning that the majority of the Eastern Bloc warbirds would still be on the field to bolster the numbers and add a unique flavour to the morning. Add into the mix an absolutely perfect flying day to herald the start of flying season. Master stroke!!

With a touch of wispy fog still hanging low on the Brisbane River, and 20+ warbirds parked on the airfield, the scene was well and truly set for the arrival of another 45 to 50 aircraft of all types, colour and persuasion! No doubt about it, this was defiantly up there as one of the best Watts for Breakfast ever!! Now that the catering team have a permanent base under the shelter shed from which to work, getting something like 115 fully fledged breakfasts across the pass and into the hands of the expectant pilots seemed like child's play.

The WBMA BoM had taken the opportunity to invite local landholders and Councillor Cheryl Gaedtke to come join Watts for Breakfast so that they could see first hand what the airfield development and private aviation really looks like. Surely our airfield left a positive impression on our guests? By mid morning, looking out across the airfield felt like this really was as good as a full-on fly-in, underpinning just how successful these events can be. So many aeroplanes, pilots, passengers and visitors enjoying a great morning out.

And yet, by midday it was all over. All aeroplanes departed and everyone packed up and gone home. There was not even a solitary cloud left in the deep blue sky.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is strongly committed to a "Fly Neighbourly" policy ensuring good working relationships with other land owners in the district.

Pilots are requested to download the Fly Neighbourly Chart to be aware of and avoid where operationally possible, noise and over-fly sensitive locations adjacent to the airfield.

Download the Fly Neighbourly Chart.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield requests that all members and visitors using the airfield's internal roads adhere to the signposted maximum Speed Limit of 20kph.

The Speed Limit maximises safety for all motorists and pedestrians, significantly reduces damage to the airfield's roadways and minimises the generation of dust which has an adverse affect on aircraft, buildings and human health.

Download the Drive Neighbourly Information Sheet.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 
Email: info@wattsbridge.com.au

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