All pilots and aviation enthusiasts are invited to the Watts Bridge Airfield Open Day, celebrating the rich diversity of all forms of recreational aviation. Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield, situated in the Brisbane Valley is the home base for a wide range of aircraft including Vintage, Aerobatic and Recreational Aircraft as well as Gyroplanes, War Birds and a variety of Homebuilt Aircraft.
“ Over 120 Aircraft Attended
All-In Fly-In 2010”
The Fly-In is an all day event with on-field catering and coffee available. Entry is free with no landing fees.
The event builds upon the success of last year when over 120 aircraft attended the All-In Fly-In 2010.
The fly-in is organized by the Home Base Groups as a great day out for
pilots and aviation devotees and to promote all forms of recreational aviation.
So mark the 21st May down in your diary as a not to be missed
opportunity for some flying fun!
For more information contact:
Richard Faint 0412-317-754 or Liz Cook 0419- 369-963
It's all systems go for the All-In Fly-In - 2011. The marquees are up and the caterers are busy. Upon arrival pilots will be directed by ground marshals toward the aircraft tie down areas. From then on it's pretty much do as you please. As well as checking out aircraft on the flight line, there will be a number of other activities on the airfield including:
With a reasonable weather prediction for Saturday we're looking forward to a good roll-up of aircraft of all shapes and sizes.
See you there !
Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is strongly committed to a
"Fly Neighbourly" policy ensuring good working relationships with
other land owners in the district.
Pilots attending the All-In Fly-In are requested to
Download the Fly Neighbourly Chart to be aware of and avoid where operationally possible, noise and over-fly sensitive locations adjacent to the airfield.
Sunday afternoon and it's getting late. Very very late. But Bob Dennis just can't bring himself to put the plane away. Not just yet. He's sitting just inside the hangar door watching the sunset reflecting off the polished metalwork of his newly completed RV9A. If Bob's feeling just a little proud of his handiwork then he has every right to be. His aeroplane is the first of type on the RAAus register. Built light it is powered by a Lycoming O235 with a Rotec TBI. The instrument panel sports a modern Dynon EFIS. Though still in the test flight stage, the performance is outstanding and can only get better as the aircraft is fine tuned along with the application of the final paint, trim and custom graphics. Bob's also in the final stages of plans approval for a chalet on the airfield, so chances are we're going to see a lot more of the RV at Watts.
Some good sunny days in February saw most of the Home Base Groups hard at work maintaining and improving their facilities.
Both the QUA and the AAC-QC continued outfitting their clubrooms with the QUA also planting trees as part of the overall landscaping of the area.
But it wasn't all just hard work. The aerobats had a regular training day when both pilots and judges improve their skills. QVAG held their first event of the year with a lot of general flying helping to make up for time lost due to the poor weather.
The Queensland Vintage Aeroplane Group launched their social events calendar with the February Breakfast Fly-In. A bright sunny morning saw a steady stream of arrivals with 15 to 20 aircraft on the flight line and over 50 breakfasts being served and enjoyed. Low-key get togethers such as the QVAG Breakfast Fly-In contribute greatly to the relaxed aviation atmosphere to be found at Watts Bridge.
Check the Website Calendar to
be up to speed on other aviation activities planned for Watts Bridge.