Weather Forecast for the Festival of Flight 2009

The success of an aviation event is highly dependant upon the weather.
The Bureau of Meterology 4 Day Forecast Charts have us looking good with a return to cooler daytime temperatures and clear skies !

Saturday 22nd August 2009

With just a week to go until the QVAG Festival of Flight, there are still so many jobs to be done to make the airfield ready for a great weekend of "full on" aviation.


Festival Of Flight - 2009

The last weekend in August heralds the return of the most diverse group of aircraft to Watts Bridge.

Everything from early trainers such as Tiger Moths and Chipmunks, WWII Fighters including Mustangs and Trojans , Classic Aircraft, Homebuilts, Recreational Aeroplanes, Gyroplanes and General Aviation. It it flies it will be at Watts Bridge August 29th and 30th.

But as if that were not enough there are Vintage Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles, Food Stalls, a well stocked Bar and a fully catered dinner.
You've just gotta be there.
Download the Brochure to learn more


Sometimes the sky is just not that friendly to aviators. Wind - Rain - Turbulence. That's when a really well stocked clubhouse pays dividends.

Here we see several QUA members hard at it, not committing aviation. Coffee time!

Rumor has it that one had gone for a 15 minute "jolly" which gave them all something to talk about for the rest of the morning. Question is: "Which of these three was the pilot in question?"

AVGAS on a Credit Card

Available Now !!

At last - getting 100LL AVGAS at Watts Bridge just got easy.
July 2009 saw the installation and commissioning of a Credit Card Swipe System allowing anyone with a VISA or Master Card to purchase AVGAS without requiring anyone to be on-field to assist. No carnet card required.

Clive Tudge
QUA Poker Player 2009

Saturday 25th July saw the running of the QUA Fun Flying Poker Run. That's where pilots fly to 4 different airfields around the valley and collect a playing card at each stop.

It's all pure chance and a lot of fun.
Good airmanship skills are called for when there are up to 10 aircraft in circuit all at the same time. Close on 40 pilots gave it a go.

When they arrived at Watts Bridge the QUA had a splendid array of "BBQ Treats" on offer.That evening 60+ merry makers celebrated Christmas in July - superbly catered by the Aerobatics Club. The final cards were dealt to the poker players finding the eventual winner Clive Tudgewith a hand of 3x Two's. The tool roll raffle was won by Barry Evans. Everyone agreed - "This is what fun flying is all about !!"

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 

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