BVSAC Fun Fly Poker Run

July sees the return of two popular events at Watts Bridge. The Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club's Fun Fly Poker Run and the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Aerobatics Club's Christmas In July. The poker run encourages pilots to do a fly to some of the local airfields, collect a card and ultimately arrive at Watts for a BBQ lunch. A modest trophy is awarded to the luckiest poker player.

Christmas in July

That evening celebrate Christmas In July, guaranteed to drive away the winter chills. Three courses of fine dining served up in the aerobat's club rooms. Simply download the posters for all the information.

6th July 2011

Building Another Air Chalet

29th June 2013

One look at the cloud base was enough to ensure that there wasn't much flying going on. Good concreting weather though and the Watts Bridge "Builder Of Choice" Kev Werner had all hands on deck pouring the slab for a new Air Chalet and Hangar to be owned by Doug and Lorraine Stott.

All-In Fly-In 2013

Report and Photo Gallery

For the entire week leading up to the event the long-range weather prediction became increasingly gloomy. Looked like one of those infamous little East Coast Low's was going to come into play on the very day we wanted a great day's flying!! The Area 40 Forecast promised gusty southerlies with wind speeds up to 55 Knots at 2,000' and 5,000' with occasional showers in the mix.

As the day dawned there was virtually no wind on the ground at Watts and it stayed that way all day. Unbelievable. Upstairs was a different story however! Nonetheless, pilots are a hardy bunch and in excess of 80 aircraft made the trek.

Fair to say the numbers were skewed toward the General Aviation end of recreational flying but that doesn't matter. Many more than usual elected to drive in so they could still enjoy the day.

And it was a great day!! Lots of aircraft movements, lots to look at including quite a few aircraft not seen at Watts Bridge before, superb hamburgers and all the hot coffee you could wish for. If you missed the All-In Fly-In 2013 (or would like to relive the experience) Click here for the AIFI 2013 Photo Gallery.

Planning is already well underway for AIFI 2014 which will be the 5th Anniversary for the All-In Fly-In. Don't forget to check out the Watts Bridge Calendar for more great fly ins and other social events at the airfield.

Running in parallel with the All-In Fly-In, Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield and Fun Flight Australia teamed up to provide a special day out for children touched by disadvantage. Seven volunteer pilots took approximately 20 participating children and their carers for a short scenic flight around the district as part of an adventure packed aviation day out. To round out the day all the kids received a free T-Shirt, complimentary "Aero-burger" and a soft drink from the caterers.

In the photo sequence below we follow organizing pilot Peter Biddle as he takes his crew for their ride of a lifetime in his immaculate C170. It is anticipated that Fun Flight will be a regular part of the All-In Fly-In from now on.    [Click the images below to view fullsize.]

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 

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