Special thanks to Campbell Sharp and Kev Lotz
for allowing us to relive the sights and sounds of Festival Of Flight 2009

By all measures the Queensland Vintage Aeroplane Group's Festival of Flight 2009 was a great success. After a very foggy start to the day, bright blue skies greeted a record number of visitors and aircraft to the airfield. A a wide range of stalls and aviation oriented exhibits were on offer, providing a carnival atmosphere and an entertaining family day outing.

The real attraction of course was the aeroplanes which came and went throughout the day. Pretty much everything that flies was there somewhere. Vintage aircraft, both military and civil, general aviation, homebuilts, recreational, gyrocopters and more. Much much more. Planning is already underway for FOF 2010 so mark your next year's diary up for the last weekend in August.

Click here to see some of the photographs taken by visitors through out the day

Rob Proctor with
Frank Ragonese

The End Of An Era

The Caribou has been in continuous service with the RAAF for over 45 years. All this is coming to an end with the imminent decommissioning of this historic aircraft. For many years Caribous have been regular`visitors to Watts Bridge, conducting all sorts of training missions.

The 2009 Festival of Flight saw, what will in all likelyhood be, the last Caribou flight to the airfield.

Spectators took the chance to take one last look at this venerable transport aircraft which also won the "Longest Distance Flown Award" having come down from Townsville especially for the Festival. QVAG President Frank Ragonese presented the pilot Rob Proctor with a plaque to commemorate the occasion.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 
Email: info@wattsbridge.com.au