Gathering of Eagles - 19th & 20th August 2017

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc. invites all aviation enthusiasts to be a part of our biennial fly-in the "Gathering of Eagles" which is being staged across two days, the 19th - 20th August 2017. Overnight camping on the airfield is encouraged.

Over 100 aircraft attended the Gathering of Eagles in 2015

It is anticipated that Saturday 19th will see the highlight aircraft and other activities on the field. Expect to see a huge variety of aircraft types including warbirds and replicas representative of WW1 and WW2, vintage, aerobatic and homebuilt aeroplanes as well as a wide cross section of general aviation and light sports aircraft.

In addition to the attending aircraft, there will be many vintage cars and military vehicles on display, WW1 and WW2 military re-enactors and other exhibits in keeping with a major fly-in.

On-field catering will provide a wide assortment of tasty snacks and meals. On Saturday evening join the Homebase Groups: AAC-QC, BVSAC, and QWVAA for a wide variety of BBQ style meals with refreshments available to accompany the Saturday evening dinner.

Coffee and cold drinks will be available all day.     100LL AVGAS is available from the airfield bowser.

Calling All Volunteers

With planning well under way for the Gathering of Eagles, we are now seeking members to volunteer for a few hours across the weekend to assist with ......
* Marshalling arrivals and departures,
* Airside security,
* Helping out on the front gate.

Please drop an email to if you can help make the Gathering of Eagles a great fly-in.


Watts For Breakfast - July 2017

After a few months layoff, airfield breakfast dining was back with avengeance with the return of Watts For Breakfast. A cold frosty morning is always a call to arms for pilots of all persuasions. Great performance with beautiful smooth air proved irresistible for 15 or so aircraft, complete with pilots and passengers who chomped their way through 45 plates of delicious BBQ treats.

A quick scan of the Calendar of Events shows that the next Watts For Breakfast is not until the 15th October, so best bet is to get it into your diary now to avoid disappointment later . See you there!!

BVSAC Fun Fly Poker Run

1st July 2017

Absolutely perfect flying conditions set the stage for yet another Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club's annual Fun Fly Poker Run. In this game of good fortune, the players find their way to several airfields in the district, selecting a random card in an envelope at each location. The winning poker hand is completed back at Watts Bridge with two cards drawn by the house.

Competition was fierce with nearly 40 aviators (flying no less than 30 aircraft) battling it out for first place. But as always there can only be one winner. And so it was that John Hilton from Caboolture, flying a Victa Airtourer, took the coveted trophy with an unbeaten hand of AA22J, becoming the BVSAC Fun Fly Poker Champion for 2017.

AAC-QC Christmas in July

And as the sun set over the airfield the Australian Aerobatics Club - Queensland Chapter opened their clubroom doors for Christmas in July. Great atmosphere, great wining and dining, complete with live entertainment.

Click here for many more photographs taken on the day.

Volume 17/02

Volume 17/03

Volume 17/04



QWVAA members receive regular newsletters, the Australian Vintage Aeroplane News.
AVAN editor Ross Stenhouse diligently researches a wide range of historical records to produce a truly interesting newsletter now made available to all WBMA members.

Red Thunder 2017

30th May to 4th June 2017

The annual gathering of the Watts Bridge Warbirds "RED THUNDER 2017", sponsored by the Queensland Warbird and Vintage Aircraft Association, was held over the extended weekend the 30th May to the 4th June 2017. In excess of 24 warbirds participated, making this the most successful Red Thunder ever held.

The event was a great success, creating the opportunity for Warbird Operators to socialise and refine piloting skills. Many 'Eastern Block' warbird aircraft take part in these events, and accordingly RED THUNDER 2017 continued its 'Russian Flavour' in both its flying and social activities. The Saturday Night's Red Air Squadron Dinning Inn Night held at the Toogoolawah Hotel was particularly successful.

RED THUNDER 2018 promises to be an even bigger and better event.
Contact organiser Gill Vardi on 0412 963 106 to register your interest.

Click here for the Red Thunder 2017 Event Page and Photo Gallery

Red Thunder BBQ & Briefing Day

On Saturday the 6th May Red Kommand invited Komrades, Natashas and all aviators interested in the Red Thunder activities to a attend a mini fly-in, BBQ lunch and briefing to be held in the newly refreshed QWVAA Clubrooms.

A perfect autumn flying day attracted something like 20 aircraft to the field with good representation of warbirds from the eastern block and allied forces as well as one from "the other side", rounded out by a variety of more modern day general aviation aircraft.

With many attendees electing to drive, the pre-briefing BBQ was particularly well attended with an estimated 50 meals being served.

And so to the briefing, presented by QWVAA President and Red Thunder Kommander - Gill Vardi. Gill provided a detailed overview of Red Thunder exercises and how they are conducted with an over riding accent on safety at all times. He went on to explain how the activities are intended to be inclusive for all pilots, allowing for the varying experience and skill levels of the individual pilots. It was a great information day.
Red Thunder 2017?    Bring it on !!

QWVAA Working Bee

Flushed with a new found enthusiasm, members of the Queensland Warbird and Vintage Aircraft Association rolled up their sleeves, got down and got dirty - cleaning up around the clubhouse exterior and applying a quick and yet effective makeover on the inside. Multitasking was the order of the day: While one team of workers made an endless procession to the tip with trailer loads of utter rubbish, other elves were busy washing down the building's exterior, preparing it for a brand new coat of paint on Sunday. The showers and sheds out the back didn't escape attention either, providing yet more fill for those trailer guys! You know, it's quite amazing what can be achieved when everyone just pulls together eh?

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is strongly committed to a "Fly Neighbourly" policy ensuring good working relationships with other land owners in the district.

Pilots are requested to download the Fly Neighbourly Chart to be aware of and avoid where operationally possible, noise and over-fly sensitive locations adjacent to the airfield.

Download the Fly Neighbourly Chart.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield requests that all members and visitors using the airfield's internal roads adhere to the signposted maximum Speed Limit of 20kph.

The Speed Limit maximises safety for all motorists and pedestrians, significantly reduces damage to the airfield's roadways and minimises the generation of dust which has an adverse affect on aircraft, buildings and human health.

Download the Drive Neighbourly Information Sheet.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 

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