Queensland Fire & Rescue Service

15th November 2014

With Saturday and Sunday's maximum temperature expected to peak in the mid-40's, Queensland Fire and Rescue Service have established a fully operational base at Watts Bridge. This action ensures the fastest possible response time, should a fire outbreak occur in the district.

Private Hangar Sites - Discount Sale

Offer Ends 31st December 2014

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield has extended the offer of Private Hangar Sites at a remarkably discounted price! This special offer is for new site purchases which are completed between the 1st November 2014 and 31st Decemberr 2014, so if you have been thinking about investing in the airfield, there will never be a better time.
If you would like to book a site inspection or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Watts Bridge Management.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD the Private Hangar Sites Special Offer
QVAG Early Aviation Seminar

18th October 2014

The Queensland Vintage Aeroplane Group's second Early Aviation Seminar attracted a good audience with approximately 40 people in attendance. QVAG President Ross Stenhouse kicked the morning off outlining the goals and directions of the seminar.

Key note speaker Phill Cooper proceeded to give an in-depth discussion of the progress on his Bristol Fighter F2b project. Phill's dedication to the history of this aircraft and his desire to create an as authentic as possible replica was immediately obvious, as is the enormity of of the project. The target date for the first flights is late 2016, so expect to see updates on this project as it rolls along.

Next up was Bruce Clarke and Hannah Bulow outlining the future of the Toogoolawah High School work experience program. Bruce continued with a summary of progress on his current WW1 replica project. Construction techniques, engine options and builder support were discussed.

Ross closed the morning by announcing that there will be ongoing Early Aviation Seminars held every 3 or 4 months. Watch the website for announcements. Following the lunch break everyone was invited to view Bruce's build project which was an opportunity not to be missed!!

[ Click the small photographs above to view a full size image. ]

Gathering Of Eagles - Australia

30th August 2014

For the last 25 years or so the last weekend in August has been synonymous with a great fly-in at Watts Bridge. For many years there was the Queensland Vintage Aeroplane Group's highly successful Festival of Flight.

And in more recent times the Gathering of Eagles - Australia has filled the bill by attracting a wide range of aircraft with an exceptional turn-out of vintage and ex-military aircraft.

Without doubt one of the major attractions of this year's Gathering was the wonderfully colourful formations of YAK and Nanchang aircraft thundering around the skies. Another highlight was the "Winds of War", a group of military re-enactors who went to great lengths to recreate the look, feel and atmosphere of a bygone era, much in keeping with the origins and history of Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield. Also on display were several of the growing collection of WW1 replica aircraft which are under construction on the field.

Many rare and noteworthy aircraft attended including the aforementiond YAKs and Nanchangs, a rare de Havilland Dove, the immaculate L-200 Morava, two Boeing Stearmen, a T28 Trojan, half a dozen de Havilland Tiger Moths, several CT4 / Victa Air Tourers, a superb "V" tailed Waiex, a replica Supermarine Spitfire and many more aircraft too numerous to mention individually.

But as always, the real stars of the day were the pilots and navigators of 130 plus general and recreational aviation aircraft who flew in to enjoy the day. Great weather, good food, cold drinks, efficient ground marshals and a higher than usual turn out from the general public all contributed to a highly successful Gathering of Eagles - Australia 2014.

CLICK HERE for the extensive Gathering of Eagles - 2014 Photo Gallery.

Click to read the Sport Pilot article.

RAAus Feature Article.

Watts Bridge submitted a feature article and photographs for inclusion in the Recreational Aviation Australia's monthly magazine - Sport Pilot. RAAus printed a great two page spread which helps enormously with the promotion of the airfield and next year's Gathering of Eagles - Australia.

Queensland Fire & Rescue Service

6th September 2014

Two or three times a year the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service hold training days hosted at Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield. On this occasion approximately 30 fully kited QRFS personnel came complete with pumps, hoses, artificial dams and a mighty impressive Air Tractor to conduct aerial fire fighting training and as a practical exercise for those gaining their Air Base Operators qualifications. Hosting the QFRS provides an excellent opportunity for Watts Bridge to remain actively involved in supporting the local community.

BVSAC Fun Fly Poker Run

5th July 2014

Early July sees pilots and navigators from all over S.E. Queensland battle it out to be the champion of the Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club's Fun Fly Poker Run. In this game of pure chance the players find their way to three airfields in the district and select a card in an envelope. Last stop is Watts Bridge where the poker hand is completed by the two cards drawn at random by the house.

The great flying conditions saw a record breaking number of 34 participants enjoying a great morning's flying culminating with a BBQ at the BVSAC Clubrooms.

And so the clear winners of the coveted Fun Fly trophy were Scott and Chris Hendry with a winning hand of three 6's. But here's where it gets even better. They had been busy shooting a fantastic video documentary of their winning round!! All shot in high definition video with a superb sound track. For maximum enjoyment click the video replay into full screen - pump up the volume and go flying with the Hendry's!!

Click here for the Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club
Fun Fly Poker Run Photo Gallery.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield is strongly committed to a "Fly Neighbourly" policy ensuring good working relationships with other land owners in the district.

Pilots are requested to download the Fly Neighbourly Chart to be aware of and avoid where operationally possible, noise and over-fly sensitive locations adjacent to the airfield.

Download the Fly Neighbourly Chart.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield requests that all members and visitors using the airfield's internal roads adhere to the signposted maximum Speed Limit of 20kph.

The Speed Limit maximises safety for all motorists and pedestrians, significantly reduces damage to the airfield's roadways and minimises the generation of dust which has an adverse affect on aircraft, buildings and human health.

Download the Drive Neighbourly Information Sheet.

© 2003 - 2025 Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Inc.
PO Box 98, Toogoolawah, Queensland, 4313, Australia

Phone: 0427 699 239 
Email: info@wattsbridge.com.au

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